Sunday 25 March 2012

The Lady in Blues


Oil on Canvas - 60 by 90 cm
Artist -PsychoRJ

Do we all still love in the way it’s supposed to be done- honestly, fearlessly, selflessly, unthinkingly?
Is love still alive or have we manipulated it enough so that it lost its essence? Have we not added this new clause to it, that we call practicality? Hasn’t it ruined love?
We excuse all our fears, selfish ways, and lies with practicality- the new way to love. Whatever happened to “falling” in love? What is the point in loving if you stand there stiffly without giving up anything what-so-ever? What has love taught you if not being crazy?
Love is blind, yes it’s true. Not to the grief of others, but to the greeds of your own. Love teaches you to live my dear, live in a way that a person with no love in his heart, ever can. It’s about finding happiness in someone’s smile, about facing the world, about facing yourself sometimes, about hope and faith, about trust. It’s pure and sacred and divine. Love is all about God...

- by 'Divya Chaurasia'

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