Wednesday 19 June 2013


Its 5:30 am in the morning. And you are in tears.

Because sometimes it is best to say a warm goodbye. 
Because you have to let your hands go; 
because they are tired of holding on to something, that has always been your support,
because now you are moving on,
because now you will be alone, till you get tired of holding on to something again.

Because sometimes, goodbyes are not enough. 


Sunday 9 June 2013

Kathakali Dancers

Kathakali Dancers

Oil Painting on Canvas

I remember the width being nearly 55 cm but I don't remember the length (It was something about in 3: 9 ratio or something). 

I was home this summers for nearly a month (I had to extend my stay to complete this.) and had an empty canvas with me. So I was surfing net when I came across a beautiful photograph depicting many kathakali dancers. It was then I thought that I should do something big, on a large scale with minute details.

Did I end with something that I intended to ? I kept on looking into my laptop screen, searching for the details, and replicating them, or modifying them. 

But when after a work of many days, I looked at it, I realized the details I was working were lost on the scale of the canvas, and I started thinking whether it was worth the effort I was putting in. The details probably would not even be observed. But I had to complete what I had created, in the way I had started; Consistency is essential.

And it ended up something like this.