Sunday 9 June 2013

Kathakali Dancers

Kathakali Dancers

Oil Painting on Canvas

I remember the width being nearly 55 cm but I don't remember the length (It was something about in 3: 9 ratio or something). 

I was home this summers for nearly a month (I had to extend my stay to complete this.) and had an empty canvas with me. So I was surfing net when I came across a beautiful photograph depicting many kathakali dancers. It was then I thought that I should do something big, on a large scale with minute details.

Did I end with something that I intended to ? I kept on looking into my laptop screen, searching for the details, and replicating them, or modifying them. 

But when after a work of many days, I looked at it, I realized the details I was working were lost on the scale of the canvas, and I started thinking whether it was worth the effort I was putting in. The details probably would not even be observed. But I had to complete what I had created, in the way I had started; Consistency is essential.

And it ended up something like this.

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