Wednesday 12 December 2012

When I am sad, I stop being sad, and start being awesome instead

When I am sad, I stop being sad and start being awesome instead.  Suit Up.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and start being awesome instead.
Ink on Paper

There are very few characters that leave such an awesome impression on you and I totally fall for this guy; his screen presence is enough to make the show run (for those of you who don't know him, He is Barney Stinson, played by the awesome Neil Patrick Harris, from the show How I Met Your Mother.). Here is something I would like to share with you.- The very first time I introduced this character to my roomie (I live in hostel, in an undergrad college), he was totally inspired and even bought in a pair of formals and adopted the hi-5 (and we still do - whaaaaat up).

I do think (and I have read so) that actions and feelings don't follow a cause-effect relationship, rather they go hand in hand. So if someday you do feel sad, it would be better to force yourself to do something crazy (yes, it does seem retarded initially), something you usually do when you are high or extremely senselessly happy, and eventually you will find that small lump of sadness dissolving away, and you will start feeling that awesomeness inside. (Its just like those laughter clubs, they initially force themselves to a laugh, but eventually, it follows naturally.)
 Although it is pretty much out of context, but I can't resist myself from posting these lines of Barney He's damn hilarious. NO, no, no .. He is legen....wait-for-it...dary ... -

“Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green, I wear suits and I'm awesome. I'm your bro—I'm Broda!”

“Jesus waited three days to come back to life. It was perfect! If he had only waited one day, a lot of people wouldn't have even heard he died. They'd be all, "Hey Jesus, what up?" and Jesus would probably be like, "What up? I died yesterday!" and they'd be all, "Uh, you look pretty alive to me, dude..." and then Jesus would have to explain how he was resurrected, and how it was a miracle, and the dude'd be like "Uhh okay, whatever you say, bro..." And he's not gonna come back on a Saturday. Everybody's busy, doing chores, workin' the loom, trimmin' the beard, NO. He waited the perfect number of days, three. Plus it's Sunday, so everyone's in church already, and they're all in there like "Oh no, Jesus is dead", and then BAM! He bursts in the back door, runnin' up the aisle, everyone's totally psyched, and FYI, that's when he invented the high five. That's why we wait three days to call a woman, because that's how long Jesus wants us to wait.... True story.”

 “God, it's me, Barney. What up? I know we don't talk much, but I know a lot of girls call out your name because of me.”

Monday 29 October 2012

It Happens


The movie was to be submitted by the 2nd of Sep (for Sophie Movies), and here I was, just meddling senselessly on Fb till Friday, when I realised I had to be get going. The next day, during the MA 207 class, I just wrote the screenplay,and hurriedly the told the dude actress, Miss Dudhe, to be there at Lake Side by 3 pm ( and still she got late by more than half an hour), and I was like, what the f.
With just 50 mm prime lens, my roomie and a Tripod, we rushed to Lake Side, and he we were, with no screenplay (I had lost it), and just random pieces of acting and quite beautiful (and gruesome and disgusting) but weird expressions by both, (Although I am pretty sure you won't be taking away your eyes from the actress, she's natural), and overnight editing, and a beautiful Regina Spektor song, I completed it, and I knew, it was something.

And just this funny effort of a day or two yielded us two prizes (Best Screenplay and Best Actress) and overall 4th position. I wonder what the hell were the others doing and making movies with so much time and effort.


Saturday 8 September 2012

Light at Ghatkopar

There are some times when you feel low, and there are times when you feel nothing except low. This was one such day, I think it was Independence Day. You know you are in depression when the only thing you are doing and want to do is fb. And then someone pings you, and you suddenly have an urge to rise, and you think doing something weird is the only possible way to get you out of this state of complacency, and so you say to her, lets do something awesome. and she says, lets get to a Red Light area, and you say, ''yeah, sure, why not.''. You pick up your DSLR, imagining that there is an awesome soundtrack playing around you, with artificial lighting all around, and you rise and shine.

Then, after sometime, when you are on the way, you realise, maybe, that is not such a good idea, maybe you are just getting psychic and not psyched. But, you have already determined that you are going to do it. Now, you Google up the location, and set out in the auto, having all possible thoughts, what is going to happen, what you are going to see, what you are going to say, what possible excuses you would be giving to someone who gets hold of you.

You are excited, you smile, you laugh, you tremble, and just feel so excited just at the thought of pronouncing the word - 'RED LIGHT AREA' urf  'RANDIKHANA'. Somewhow, you reach there, guessing the roads, guessing the routes, and you know you have ended up there, when you can spot people with make up that exceeds their needs. You and your friend, feel, odd and purposeful, (you imagine that you are photojournalist, or a hobo on a journey to experience something enlightning).

You imagine to find something controversial, you hope to find something controversial. But all you do find are aging men, either selling themselves to someone or letting others sell themselves for them. You find kids, so many of them, and so narrow housing, with just one room each, burst pipelines, chote chote panwallahs, chicken hanging, and beer shops. You are amazed to find that people there do waive flags at their homes, and the children have no option but to play along with others, when their mothers and aunts and grandmothers are busy earning to feed them and their bound fathers and grandfathers drive autos, trucks or sometimes just sit and smoke.

Do you feel Happy ? Sad? Amazed? Suprised? To be honest, you feel nothing. The only moment you did feel something was when the panwaklah asked with the DSLR asked you 'Is that a Camera' ?
You: Yes..
Panwallah : Is it ON ??
You: No..
Panwallah: Then its ok.. keep it inside..
and you obey him..

And you say to yourself, what the hell people may think .. a single girl in such an area, standing alone.. makes sense.... a single man in such an area, standing alone... makes sense.. but what what the hell are these two doing here together.. ??

and you return, with a feeling of doing something, that may not be something you will be telling your parents or your job interviewer, but will proudly boast of to your friends and peers.. because its unique, and one of a kind experience be had with one of a kind friend ..

Sunday 25 March 2012

The Lady in Blues


Oil on Canvas - 60 by 90 cm
Artist -PsychoRJ

Do we all still love in the way it’s supposed to be done- honestly, fearlessly, selflessly, unthinkingly?
Is love still alive or have we manipulated it enough so that it lost its essence? Have we not added this new clause to it, that we call practicality? Hasn’t it ruined love?
We excuse all our fears, selfish ways, and lies with practicality- the new way to love. Whatever happened to “falling” in love? What is the point in loving if you stand there stiffly without giving up anything what-so-ever? What has love taught you if not being crazy?
Love is blind, yes it’s true. Not to the grief of others, but to the greeds of your own. Love teaches you to live my dear, live in a way that a person with no love in his heart, ever can. It’s about finding happiness in someone’s smile, about facing the world, about facing yourself sometimes, about hope and faith, about trust. It’s pure and sacred and divine. Love is all about God...

- by 'Divya Chaurasia'